PNMF with MOSD Rohini-3, Dhakdai, Rupandehi
Current PM2.5
PM2.5 Data, Past 30 Days
Historical PM2.5 Data
Current PM1.0
PM1.0 Data, Past 30 Days
Historical PM1.0 Data
Rohini Site Information

Data Profile

Rupandehi district lies in Lumbini Zone, the birth place of Lord Buddha, also known as the light of Asia. It is situated in Chure range and bordered by Palpa district on the north, India on the south, Kapilvastu district on the west and Nawalparasi on the east. The mean temperature of this area is 31 Centigrade which may get up to 43.42 during May/June. The average annual rainfall recorded is 1174 mm, of which 80% occurs during the monsoon period.

This district has an excellent network of linked roads. Siddhartha highway and Mahendra highway connect this district with the rest of the country. Gautam Buddha Airport is being upgraded from a regional to an international airport, and also connects this district with rest of the country. Currently Butwal is headquarters of province five which is important in educational, commercial, industrial and historical contexts. Rupandehi is the third most populous province in Nepal.

District Profile and Geography

The total area of the district is 1,360 Sq. Km amongst which 22.64% is covered by forest. Similarly the coverage of river and pasture land, shrubs & trees are each 6.28%. The third highest land use is for residential area which is 4.21%. The district has been politically divided into 1 Sub-metropolitan city, 5 Urban Municipalities, 10 Rural municipalities and 7 electoral region. As per recent data the percentage having access to safe drinking water use is 97.5% where as access to safe drinking water is 98%.


The total population of the district is 880, 196 amongst which 432,193 are male and 448003 are female population. There are 163 thousand household in the district and the average household size is 5.37. The population growth rate of the district is 2.17%.

Preparation for the installation of a PurpleAir sensor at Lumbini Buddha University in Rupandehi district.